Thursday, August 30, 2012

James Pappas Received Man Of The Year Award

Son of the co-founder of PJ Mechanical, James Pappas received the Man of the Year Award in 2008 at the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America’s (CCFA’s), Long Island Chapter Spring Gala. It is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to finding the cure for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It was founded by Irwin M. and Suzanne Rosenthal, William D. and Shelby Modell, and Henry D. Janowitz, M.D in 1967. He and his wife Lisa associated themselves with CCFA in 1995. Crohn's is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines which is caused by interactions between immunological, environmental and bacterial factors and it affects the whole digestive system.

At PJ Mechanical, James Pappas served for 29 years in different capacities. He has been serving many charitable organizations such as CFAF and CJ foundation. The CJ Foundation, founded in 1994, is a national non-profit devoted to eliminate the tragedy of sudden unexpected infant deaths and early childhood deaths. It has been supporting grieving families, advancing medical research, furthering parent and professional education, and advocating for the health and survival of all children for years.

James Pappas is also associated with CFAF which is the College Football Assistance Fund that is a non-profit tax exempt organization dedicated to support football players who have sustained serious injuries through college football. The organization provides assistance to ease the burden of medical costs associated with injuries such as joint replacement, spine treatment, neurological care and other related expenses. It was established in 2010 by a group of collegiate coaches and athletic administrators. For his immense involvement in philanthropic services, James Pappas has earned a lot of respect, love and appreciation.

James Pappas is the Co-Chairperson of the CCFA Golf Outing. Since 2000, he has also been serving as the Co-Chairperson of the Spring Gala (CCFA) – Dinner Dance and Major Fund Raising event. Besides this, he is a responsible and sincere committee member of The Cyprus Children's Fund. It was established in 1975 and is a one-on-one basis sponsorship program in which every donated dollar goes to a child of the donor's choice.

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